Easter at Pearlside 2017_60.jpg

Norman Nakanishi

Founding and Expansion Pastor,
Pearlside Church

Moving Forward: Faith’s Next Steps

Moving Forward: Faith’s Next Steps

Faith is not presumptuous nor irresponsible. It is the one thing scripture says pleases the heart of God (Hebrews 11:6). The Lord tells us in Habakkuk 1:4: “The just shall by his faith.” The challenge is that during this coronavirus crisis or any crisis we crave facts we can lean on for safety and security.

Faith, however is defined as unseen evidence - an oxymoron if there ever was one. It is described as the substance or confidence of things hoped for (Hebrews 11:1). How is this possible? Only through a relationship with God. It is not our faith, but his faith revealed to our soul and expressed through our lives. And this comes only through having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 

That being said, faith does not presume on the absence of fear, nor is it presumptuous or flippant. In fact, it is often most exercised in the face of fear. Facts bring understanding but fear, as we have seen in this present crisis can be fueled by facts. And it is worse when purported facts are inaccurate, misinterpreted, speculative or politicized. It is truth after all, that sets us free.

As it relates to those of us here in Hawaii, here are some facts:

  • The curve has not only been flattened it has been crushed. Days of “no infections reported” are becoming the norm. (Vast improvement is also accelerating around the world.)

  • Most previously hospitalized covid infected patients have recovered and been released.

  • Hospital space and ICU capacities are present in abundance and elective surgeries have resumed.

  • Since January of this year, deaths, as heart rending as each one has been, have stabilized at 17 for a long period while passings from regular flus and pneumonias  for which there are working vaccines have gone past 400.

  • Hawaii’s unique year round climate blending sunlight, heat and humidity helps weaken the coronavirus impact.

  • Businesses, government, schools and churches have begun the journey towards reclaiming a more normal function. Our President recently deemed all churches essential and commanded Governors to let them gather.

So what should we do?

Because God has answered our prayers of faith we should gratefully honor him by taking responsible actions of faith. Of course, we should do so while respecting age specific cautions, acknowledging those battling illness and protecting others with underlying health conditions. Presuming the practice of the obvious safety protocols, here are lines of faith we can draw: 

  • Begin moving from online to in person for small groups. 

  • Prepare to transition from online to in person for worship services. Stay tuned as our staff is in the planning process to make that happen safely for both adults and children. This will include adding services to accommodate the social distancing requirements and re-gathering our sites.

  • Rejoin serve teams for in person ministry.

  • Engage in person follow-up for those who have demonstrated an openness to the gospel during the pandemic. 

  • Move to change at a pace that feels comfortable and enjoy church online until you feel safe. The main thing is to move at least a step at a time even if it is later rather than sooner.

  • Pray that the Holy Spirit engulf covid 19 with his holy fire so that it burns itself out. Greater than any vaccine is our God, and it is HE who should get the glory.

Because God has blessed us with favor it behoves us to be faithful by moving forward. With each step, the size of which will be different for all, unfounded fear will fall by the wayside. Remember, faith is demonstrated by action and, as James says, is dead without works.

As we work out our faith, God will work deeply in our hearts. He will bring us to a next level normal - one that will again see us sitting, serving and making disciples side by side wearing smiles instead of masks. 



Receiving Answers to Prayer